Message: “Simply Present” from Brooks Fuller
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CloseBrooks Fuller - November 27, 2022
Simply Present
We finally did it. We can be more than one place at a time! A modern miracle! Thanks to the means of technology we can simultaneously be at a table with friends, FaceTiming someone while checking our social media messages and responding to an email. Do you see the problem? And we are all culpable. Our attention and presence is the best gift we can give someone, but so often it is divided at best and completely detached at worst. Listen in as we see Jesus speak words that challenge us to take seriously how we become simply present–yes, to himself, but also to those around us.
Related Topics: Character, Peace, Relationships, Simplicity | More Messages from Brooks Fuller
From Series: "Simple Life"
The soundtrack of our lives: alarm clocks, horns, sirens, iPhone notifications, phone calls, crying kids, and so on. Our lives are ruled by not just sounds–but more poignantly–hurry. It has been said that hurry is the greatest enemy of our spiritual life. So, why do we hurry? We hurry because life is chaotic, not simple. Yet, the biblical vision for our lives is to live simply and intentionally for the sake of our souls but also our purpose. Join us as we lean in and learn how to simplify our values, our stuff, and our focus!
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Simply Present | Brooks Fuller | November 27, 2022 | Watch |