Life Groups

The weekend worship experience is where we begin our week. But it is in small groups where we truly find a place to belong. Our Fall Life Group Season kicks off Sunday, September 15th, 2024. If you’re interested in joining a Life group, please connect with us.

Let us help you find a Life Group.

Life Groups provide a safe place for us to know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, and to celebrate our walk with Christ together! Here we learn more about God, find understanding and support, and discover new ways to live out our faith through acts of service. All of our Newbreak staff, including our pastors, are in Life Groups. Why not join one with us too!

Click to Find a Life Group

Life groups are a key aspect of our church community. Most meet weekly in the home of a group member (usually the leader's home). We try to keep them limited to about 12 people. If you can't find an open group, please let us know!

Weekly Resources for You

The Newbreak Church Life group team has carefully curated content that helps you go further in your relationship with God on your own and in your weekly Life Group. Click one of these options to see the most recent supplements to the weekend sermon.

Brooks Fuller, Life Groups Pastor

"If you're wondering what Life Groups are all about, here's my heart: Life Groups are designed to build your faith and meaningful relationships, while serving together. But for me, it's about spending time with friends while growing closer to God. It's really just that simple, and that's why I encourage others to be a part of them too."

Andrew Payne

“I love being a part of my Newbreak Church Life Group because of the supportive community and momentum it gives me to grow in my faith.”

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Kayla Payne

Kayla Payne

I love being in my Newbreak Church Life Group because I’m part of a community of life-minded women, who share the same values as me. Many of whom are in similar life stages or have experienced what I’m currently going through. I love that I feel challenged to grow spiritually and become a better wife and mother!

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Ruben Arellano

My life has been changed forever by the men in my group, coming together, sharing a meal, praying, and learning the word of God. I’ve never felt ashamed or embarrassed to share my past. We are like Brothers. I love my men’s group. Real friendships and wisdom from our leaders.

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Ruben Arellano

Let us help you lead a Life Group.

At Newbreak we are passionate about Connecting People With God, Through Authentic Relationships, To Serve Communities. It’s always helpful to understand the purpose behind why we do what we do, as leadership begins with Leading Self before we begin leading others. Here are helpful resources to help you do just that before you become a leader as well as when you are leading others.

Subscribe for Leader Resources

Every week we send an email providing helpful links to the week's content, guides for your groups, and insight from Newbreak Life Group leadership. That way you walk into your weekly Life Group meeting as prepared as possible to lead.

About Serve Challenge

Serving others was significant in the life of Jesus and it was life-changing for others. Jesus said, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Serving communities is part of our mission statement and here at Newbreak Church we like to say that it is in serving others that we get to "Be the Church." One of the best ways that we accomplish our mission is for each Life Group to get out there and serve together each semester. For some, the idea of serving together as a life group may seem like a large task, the good news is we are here to help you along the way. This is where the SERVE Challenge begins!

Serve Challenge Ideas

The Alley

Feeding San Diego

Bridge of Hope

San Diego Canyonlands

CAPS Pregnancy Clinics

Newbreak Church Events

San Diego Youth Services


Bridge Builders Network

Teen Challenge San Diego

San Diego Rescue Mission

Sophie Siemens

Sophie Siemens

Being a part of a Newbreak Church Life Group has opened the doors for my relationship with Jesus. I want to get into His word more, I want to be a better person He believes I am. I have formed relationships with people in my Life Group that I’ll cherish forever.

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Alex Judkins

Life Groups have encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone, embrace my identity in Christ, increase my prayer life and maintain accountability. I like that Life Groups create a space for people to intentionally share their lives with others, grow spiritually together, and encourage each other through the highs and lows of life.

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Alex Judkins

Billy Young

There's nothing like being in a Life Group at Newbreak Church and without it it’s impossible to be a part of the family that God intended for us. However with it, God grows within us in a way that can only be experienced in a life group!

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Newbreak Church Life Groups Support Local and Global Missions

One of our priorities at Newbreak Church is to support local and global missions both financially and through the building of supportive networks of prayer and encouragement, often through Kingdom Builders.

Our missionaries have dedicated themselves to spreading the gospel in ways and places we are not able to go. They face the same challenges we do, like sickness, raising kids, kids going off to college, and even deaths within their families. All this while having the added challenges of living in dangerous places, raising their support, learning new languages, and living several thousand miles away from their family and friends. The most requested need we hear from them is for prayer and prayer partners. This is where our Life Groups come in. We would like to invite each Life Group to partner with a missionary by getting to know them, praying for them, and letting them know that we care. Please click the link and sign up to partner with a missionary today.

Dena Stoneman

Dena Stoneman

It's vital in the Christian life to be connected with other people. You need people beside you to walk with you, behind you so you can help guide, and ahead of you so that others can help you grow. That's the only way to have a healthy spiritual life, and you need a Life Group for that.

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John Playcan

I love that my Life Group gives me a sense of community at Newbreak Church. I no longer feel like I'm on an island.

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Subscribe to Weekly All-Church Updates

Newbreak Church partners with you and your family. Every week we send out an email providing helpful links to the week's content, guides for kids and students so they can follow along at home, as well as updated news and information that are important to Newbreak Church as a whole and specific to our campuses across San Diego County.