Newbreak Students

Students grow to become world-changers as they find themselves in Jesus.


About Newbreak Students

Students grow to become world-changers as they find themselves in Jesus.

We strive to connect students with a God who loves them no matter what. We encourage students to grow in authentic relationships with peers and leaders who can help them navigate the challenges of growing into adulthood. And we provide opportunities for students to see the power they have to serve and radically impact their individual communities.

Choose a Campus

Join us this weekend on any campus where we will have an encouraging message, inspiring worship, a student’s environment your teens will love, and the best church community in San Diego.

At each of our campuses, students are welcome to join their family in the main gathering for the entire service. At various campuses, students could instead choose to connect in the Student Ministry Program unique to their location.

During the week, we believe life change happens when we meet in smaller groups to build authentic relationships in Life Groups. For Students, that looks like a mid-week Youth Group for fun, games, worship, a short message, and then time to connect with peers your own age and gender and a leader who wants to provide a place where you can be truly known.

Subscribe to Weekly Updates

Newbreak Church partners with you and your family. Every week we send out an email providing helpful links to the week's content, guides for kids and students so they can follow along at home, as well as updated news and information that are important to Newbreak Church as a whole and specific to our campuses across San Diego County.