Contact Us

Call our main office if you would like to contact us immediately. Otherwise, please fill out the form with your relevant information and let us know how we can serve you!

We would love to hear from you!

Hours + Contact

Monday - Thursday: 10-3
Friday: 10-12
Services Saturday and Sunday
Phone: 858-576-0007
Fax: 858-576-0024

If you would like to join one of our ministry teams, let us know your areas of interest and which campus you call home. If we can pray for you, please share as much information as feels comfortable and we will be sure to pray. After you've sent us a message, please come see us at one of our weekend services so we can meet each other in person.

Subscribe to Weekly All-Church Updates

Newbreak Church partners with you and your family. Every week we send out an email providing helpful links to the week's content, guides for kids and students so they can follow along at home, as well as updated news and information that are important to Newbreak Church as a whole and specific to our campuses across San Diego County.