Putting On Christ

Sermon Notes Father’s Day When you go to a restaurant, you can tell who the waiters and the cooks are based on their clothes. This makes a great analogy for how Paul encourages us in Colossians 3. We “wear” a new wardrobe as a Christ-follower. Listen in as Newbreak Church talks about how our relationship…

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Father’s Day 2024

Sermon Notes Father’s Day We celebrate Father’s Day by continuing in our sermon series in Colossians as Newbreak Church is encouraged to put off the distractions that are getting in the way of us being the Christ-like people the world (and our families) need us to be! Tierrasanta Blank Notes Completed Notes Scripps Ranch Blank…

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Jesus is Better

Sermon Notes Jesus is Better Culture is changing, and changing fast! Everywhere you look there are ideas marketed and philosophies advocated for and all of this challenges Christ-followers to know what we believe and how to sift through them. When Paul wrote to the Colossians, he wanted them to know that they would hear ideas…

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