Reframing the Question We Ask Every Kid

So, what do you want to be when you grow up? If you are like me, then you were asked this question a thousand times growing up. Heck, I have adopted it as a common question I ask kids! It’s a fine question. There is nothing wrong with it. But let’s think more about this…

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The Secret Ingredient of Endurance

The dictionary definition of endurance is “the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.” We all have had to ride out times of “unpleasant or difficult” situations. Have you ever sat down to ask yourself what gave you the strength? Hopefully as we grow in our faith, we…

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Have You Considered the Flowers?

“How are you doing today?” How do you typically answer this question? Many of us tend to default to superficial answers of “good” or “fine.” But maybe we’ll give a more honest answer like “stressed,” “worried,” or “anxious.” Daily anxiety is the norm for the average American and Christians are not exempt. Whether we like…

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How You Are Free From Sin

Identity is everything. And how we perceive our identity is just as important. As Christians, our relationship to Jesus changes our identity in such a drastic manner that it would take years to truly unpack the riches of it! The book of Romans follows a long argument of Paul’s in how the righteousness of God…

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Looking Backward for Confidence to Move Forward with Courage

Ancestry, 23 and Me, and other DNA analysis companies have been on the rise the last several years. But why? It is simple, actually. People want to know more about their heritage; where they came from; the stories that encompass their lineage. As we learn about our ancestors, our imaginations become full of pictures of…

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How Faith and Works Complete Each Other

Have you ever heard someone say the Bible has a lot of contradictions? Often, critics of the Christian faith will attempt to dismantle the validity of the Bible by suggesting that the Bible “contradicts itself.” One of the classic examples is the alleged contradiction between Paul and James. Here is how it goes.  “You see…

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Suffering is Tough, But We Are Too!

You can make the right choices and do the right things and still walk into a season of suffering. Why is that? Because suffering comes as surely as the high-tide of the ocean. “Suffering is the common thread in all our garments,” Charles Swindoll says. Every person faces it. So what do we do? We…

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