Study Guide The Power of the Holy Spirit

Study Guide

The Power of the Holy Spirit

Newbreak’s Sermon Study Guide is an in-house resource that serves sermon-based Life Groups and/or individuals who want to reflect further on how the message contributes to their spiritual formation.

About This Sermon Series

Have you ever had a time when you had to live with a roommate? Maybe it was during college or during a part of your early adulthood or some other circumstances. When you live with a roommate it is like living with a stranger. Many of us view the Holy Spirit in a similar way. He is like a stranger who has access to us but we don’t know how to interact with him. Lean into this sermon series with us as we talk about how the Holy Spirit unlocks new power, gifts, and fruit in our life as we learn to walk with him!

About this week's sermon:

Have you ever had a time when you had to live with a roommate? Maybe it was during college or during a part of your early adulthood or some other circumstances. When you live with a roommate it is like living with a stranger. Many of us view the Holy Spirit in a similar way. He is like a stranger who has access to us but we don’t know how to interact with him. Listen in as we talk about what the Holy Spirit unlocks for us as we kick off this series!

Icebreakers for Life Groups

  1. If you could hangout with none fictional movie character for a day, who would it be and why?
  2. In your opinion, what is the role/importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer?

Let’s go in our Bibles to John 16:7-15

Point 1 – The Holy Spirit shows us the better way.

Before Christ's arrest and crucifixion, He spent some quality time alone with His disciples. He needed to prepare them for His departure and assure them that God had an incredible plan for what was next. These final moments and words of encouragement were captured in John 14-16.

In this section of Scripture Jesus tells those closest to Him about the coming of the Holy Spirit and the impact He would make in their lives. He would be so near to them that He would actually live within them.
In John 16:8-11, we learn that the Holy Spirit challenges the broken ways of the world. He opens our eyes to see the reality of God’s truth and God’s existence. He begins working in the hearts of men and women and helps them see their need for salvation.

More specifically, the Holy Spirit counsels us (John 16:7) The title given to the Spirit here is Paraklētos which means “one called, or sent for to assist another; an advocate, one present to render various beneficial services.” The Spirit is our helper, our in-house counselor, who helps us in our times of need and assists us with the work He prepared in advance for us to do.

The Holy Spirit also convicts us (John 16:8). The Spirit exposes our sin and makes us aware of our need for God’s grace. The Spirit wants to bring to our attention those things that need work in us so that we can have a richer, fuller, closer relationship with God. To the unbeliever, the Spirit exposes to the light their sin, so that they want to turn to Christ and have those sins forgiven and be set free.

The Holy Spirit also guides us (John 16:13) The Holy Spirit gives us direction to stay on course. The more we walk in obedience, and let the Spirit counsel and convict us, the more God can show us what He has next. His guidance often comes slowly by tilling and cultivating our character more than micromanaging every single choice we make. And as we are conformed into the character of Christ we will naturally make better decisions.

Questions for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection

  1. When did the Holy Spirit first show you your need for salvation? Was it a moment of truth or was it over a period of time?
  2. How is Spirit most active in your life right now? What does His impact look like on a daily basis? What role do you want Him to play a bigger part in (counseling, convicting, guiding)?
  3. This week, take some time to meditate on how the Spirit can work in and through you to make a bigger impact in the world around you, home, work, school, and neighborhood. Be open to what He will show you.

Read John 14:12-17, Acts 1:8

Point 2 - The Holy Spirit continues the power and the ministry of Jesus in us.

In John 16:7, Jesus said that it was good for Him to leave so that the Advocate (the Spirit) would come. I’m not sure how many of the disciples initially agreed with Jesus' words, “It’s good for me to go.” As a matter of fact, if we took a poll in our Life Groups today, I think many of us wish that Jesus was still here ministering in the flesh on earth too. The truth is that He is through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit!

Jesus said in John 14:12, the disciples would be able to do the works that He has done and even greater things. What?! How is that possible? He tells us in John 14:16-17. He would leave and the Father would send the Spirit to help us carry on His mission.
The Holy Spirit mediates the presence of Jesus to us so he can mediate the presence of Jesus through us! Jesus is no longer held to ministering in one location like Galilee or Jerusalem. Now through the residence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of every believer, Jesus is able to work through us in every corner of the world. Wherever our feet step, Jesus steps with us.

The Holy Spirit empowers us to be His witnesses in our communities and across the world (Acts 1:8). We aren’t supposed to rely on our own strength or ingenuity. God wants us to be vessels for Him to fill with His love, truth, kindness, and power.

Questions for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection

  1. Does it excite you or scare you that Jesus wants to continue his ministry on earth through you? Why?
  2. Can you describe a time when the Holy Spirit worked through your life to be a witness to Christ? How did you see God in it?
  3. Have you ever felt the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in your life? Share about your experience. Example- Power to say no to temptation.

About Our Current Sermon Series

Have you ever had a time when you had to live with a roommate? Maybe it was during college or during a part of your early adulthood or some other circumstances. When you live with a roommate it is like living with a stranger. Many of us view the Holy Spirit in a similar way. He is like a stranger who has access to us but we don’t know how to interact with him. Lean into this sermon series with us as we talk about how the Holy Spirit unlocks new power, gifts, and fruit in our life as we learn to walk with him!