November Kingdom Builders - HD Title Slide (1920x1080)_2

Kingdom Builders | Fall 2022

It’s easy to see all that is wrong in the world. What’s not so easy? To be someone who rights the wrongs! Yet, that’s exactly who we are called to be as God’s people. We are called to not accept the suffering and injustice in the world as simply the “norm” but rather to make a tangible difference in the world! Listen in as we talk about some key ways we are going to bring health, give hope, and end human suffering as much as we can!

Tierrasanta Campus

Scripps Ranch Campus

Ocean Beach Campus

About Our Current Series

Relationships bring out the best and the worst in us. We are lonely without others and yet we are sometimes driven to our wit's end because of those people! Yet, relationships are a vital part of our life. So, the solution is not to neglect or give up on relationships, but to contend to make them better. Improving relationships often include having to navigate things like our character, communication, and even conflict. Growing in these skills fosters healthier relationships. It starts with the person in the mirror; it starts with you! After all, it’s personal.