Asking for Direction
Have you ever been on a road trip and engaged the cruise control on your vehicle, and then simply took your hands off of the wheel and allowed the car to take over? Now, if you don’t own a car with an autopilot feature, your answer is most likely a loud and emphatic “NO!” Just because the vehicle speed has continuity does not mean that the car won’t begin to drift, nor does it mean there will be no obstacles to navigate around on the road. Our lives are very similar to that road trip, but we can tend to engage our own cruise control and begin to think we can go on autopilot mode. For a while, things may seem smooth and easy, however at some point reality hits us and we realize we have actually drifted off course and are now dealing with obstacles we should have been able to avoid. We have to remember to ask God to help us navigate in order to keep our lives on the right track.