Spiritual Disciplines of Letting Go

Today’s readings are out of Psalm 46:10 and Psalm 37:7. Begin today’s devotion by reading these verses in your Bible.

As we mentioned yesterday, the spiritual disciplines have classically fallen under two main categories: disciplines of activity and disciplines of letting go. Today we focus on the disciplines of letting go which include, but are not limited to:

  • Sabbath – Taking a day to stop working on life, to enter in and enjoy the gift of life with God and loved ones.
  • Solitude – Stepping away from the hustle and noise of routine life (for hours or days), to seek God, refresh, and recharge.
  • Stewardship – Loosening the grip we have on our possessions to give willingly, and sacrificially fuel and fund the people and projects locally, and globally that bring God’s gospel and grace to the lives of people.
  • Simplicity – The art of needing less, being free from the desire for more, and staying focused on what really matters.
  • Fasting – Giving up something for the sake of reorienting our lives to God as our Provider. Sometimes fasting is done to seek God’s intervention or to gain clarity over a big decision.

Let’s read these important challenges from God again on slowing down and reflect on how to live them out.

Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalm 37:7 (NLT) Be still in the presence of the Lordand wait patiently for Him to act.


  1. Which of the spiritual practices of letting go, listed above, are you most interested in learning about or practicing? Why?
  2. What does it look like for you to “be still” before God? Which of the spiritual practices of letting go helps you to do this?
  3. Consider the disciplines of letting go above. Which one comes most naturally to you? Why?
  4. Which one is the most challenging to practice? Why?


Sabbath-keeping is a discipline we think might not be possible in our busy lives. Give it a try this week. Choose one day this week that you can shut off your electronics, set aside your regular work, and choose restful activities that help you take a step back from your everyday life. Try fasting one meal this week. Use that time to read your Bible, pray, or serve a neighbor or co-worker.


Father, help me simplify my life so that I can let go of the things on my calendar that complicate and distract me from Your presence and plan. Amen.