Knowing Your God Story

Today’s readings are out of John 4:39 and Romans 10:14-15. Begin today’s devotion by reading these passages in your Bible.

We all have a story of what God has done in and through our lives. Here at Newbreak we call this our “God-story.” It’s important for us to really learn our God-story because our story can do so many things (we mentioned some of them in the “Steward our Testimony” devotion). The better we know it, the deeper we can understand God’s grace and work in our lives, which is incredibly encouraging! Our God-story can encourage other Christ-followers to hear what God is doing and look for His power in their own lives. Learning to share our God-story with others can also draw people who don’t know God yet to Him so they can know His grace and love.

Your first thought may be “my story isn’t special enough to change someone’s life.” The truth is that your story is more powerful than you can imagine, because God’s works are always powerful! We just have to learn how to view it, understand it, and articulate it. In Acts 22:1-21, the Apostle Paul tells his story to a large group of people. Take a moment to read this passage in your Bible.

Here are some of the core components of his story:

Paul tells of his background growing up, his attitudes and activity before coming to faith in Jesus, his actual moment of conversion and the days following and finally, the new direction in life he took and the work God is doing in his life. We can learn to share these same components in our story: our life before Jesus + how we found a relationship with Jesus + how He has changed our lives after. Let’s read from God’s Word and reflect deeper on how to understand our own God-stories.

John 4:39 Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.”

Romans 10:14-15 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”


  1. What speaks to you most from these passages? How is God challenging or encouraging you with them?
  2. Where, and to whom, would you say God has “sent” you right now in your life?
  3. What are the barriers that most often keep Christ-followers from sharing their God-stories with others? Which barriers keep you from it?
  4. If you had to tell your God-story in one sentence, what would it be?


Using the format explained above, take some time to write out your God-story (don’t worry about making it “perfect,” just write whatever God leads you to!), and be prepared to share it (at least parts of it) next week at Life Group. Begin asking God regularly for opportunities to share your God-story with someone in your life who is ready to hear it.


Lord Jesus, thank You for Your powerful work in my life, and for the stories You continue to write. Grow my understanding of Your stories in my life that I might be able to share them well with others so they can see what Your grace looks like. Grant me the opportunities to share my God-story with others, and grant me all of the words, courage, and grace I will need to do it. Amen.