Helping Bring Back the Wayward

Today’s readings are out of James 5:19-20 and 1 Peter 4:8. Begin today’s devotion by reading these passages in your Bible.

Have you ever gone on a hike and gotten lost? You started out on the right path but eventually wandered off and found yourself not where you wanted to be. Feeling lost is one of the most unnerving feelings we can experience. At some level, it doesn’t really matter why you left the well worn path (distraction, a desire to make your own path, etc). What matters most is getting the help you need to get back on track and finish what you started.

At some point in your Christian life, you may discover that you or someone you really love has wandered off the path. In moments like that, what people need to know most is that someone cares that you’re lost and wants to help you get back on the right path. This is where the wisdom of James 5:19-20 comes in. Whatever causes one of our brothers or sisters to struggle in their faith, we have on obligation and call to help bring that person back “and cover” a multitude of sins. We have an obligation to help those struggling and lost to find healing in their relationship with God and acceptance back into relationship. When we do this, we are restoring the wanderer just as God did with us. He was loving, gentle, and compassionate with us. We have the opportunity to do the same with others.

Let’s read from God’s Word and reflect deeper on how to understand our call to help bring back the wanders.

James 5:19-20 19 19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.


  1. What speaks to you most from these passages? How is God challenging or encouraging you with them?
  2. According to verse 19, James is encouraging us to help bring a person back who has “wandered” from the faith. Why do you think he calls this process “covering a multitude of sins?” Have you ever done that for someone? Has someone done that for you?
  3. What are some challenges and blessings of living out this Scripture in your life?


Ask God to reveal to you if there are any areas in your life where you are wandering from His path for you? Address these areas as the Holy Spirit reveals them to you. Ask God to give you the courage to approach a good friend or loved one where they may be wandering. Always do this with love, so that they see you only want God’s best for them. Remember that only the Holy Spirit can change the heart and mind of a person. Your job is only to deliver the message in love. God does the rest of the work. Offer to pray with this person, focusing on God’s loving mercy and grace.


Lord Jesus, help me to be a person who is moved with compassion and love for those who are struggling in their faith. Help me to show love and not condemnation. I want to be like you in how patient, loving, and truthful you are with me. Amen.