Serving Together as a Group

Serving others was significant in the life of Jesus and it was life-changing for others.

Jesus said, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Here at Newbreak Church we like to say that it is in serving others that we get to "Be the Church." When we serve others, we are the hands and feet of Jesus in our neighborhoods, our schools, at the local homeless shelters, and in caring for the widows and elderly.

This is why serving together as a Life Group is so vital to our growth and development as a Christian. When we serve, God transforms our hearts to look and feel more like His. We also become a conduit for God’s love to touch the hearts of others. That’s why each Life Group serves together each semester. We call this our Serve Challenge. You can also share the stories of what God did through your group each semester through our Serve Story form. When we give up our lives to Him and for others, we find that we receive so much in return.

Let’s spend the rest of our time together today discussing how the Serve Challenge went. Here are some questions to help us get our conversation started:

  1. What did you learn about God through your Serve Challenge?
  2. What did you learn about yourself?
  3. What was your biggest takeaway from serving together this semester?
  4. How did serving together as a group help you to deepen relationships within this group?
  5. If serving others became a consistent part of your life, how do you think that would impact your relationship with God?
  6. What are some ways that you can serve in the future? (both individually and as a group)