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Newbreak Church is in-person across three campuses in San Diego. We are also offering a fully digital and mobile experience for the foreseeable future. To further engage with each weekend's sermon, please visit our weekend info page, or if you have kids, visit their weekend info.

JoAnn Johnson - October 13, 2024

Preparing for Restored Purpose

Being in love has a way to change our life. In this message you’ll hear from Pastor JoAnn Johnson as she calls us to live with a restored sense of purpose and to make a commitment. In this message you will be: 1. Encouraged to respond to Jesus with more passion than ever before 2. Challenged to live as ambassadors and representatives of Christ and his kingdom

From Series: "Prepare the Way"

Our mission at Newbreak is to connect people with God through authentic relationships to serve communities. This is only accomplished when we keep God as our primary focus. As we step into our Prepare the Way journey, we commit to honoring God and focusing on Christ. We will submit to His Word, act with integrity, steward His resources, and do it all for His glory!

Sermon Notes

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