Posts Tagged ‘psalms’
What Does it Mean to “Fear the LORD”?
What do you think about when you hear the phrase: “the fear of the LORD”? If the first images that come to mind are of God’s anger or blazing fire—we’d love to deepen your understanding of the concept today! The fear of the LORD makes a frequent appearance in the Old Testament (over 70x). The…
Read MoreJesus is Your Shepherd: It’s More Practical Than You Might Think!
Many of the metaphors in the Bible were deployed to help communicate essential truths to a (now) ancient audience. For instance, God as our “shepherd” had such a straight-forward significance to Jewish people living in the ancient near east thousands of years ago. Genesis 48:15 records Jacob blessing Joseph and calling God “my shepherd all…
Read MoreHe Guards You Even While You Sleep
Important figures such as the President always have at least one bodyguard with them. Officially, we know them as the “Secret Service” and protecting the President is just one of their duties, but perhaps it is the one we see the most. The role of the bodyguard is to ensure the safety of the one…
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