How Repentance is Like a GPS

What do you think of when you hear the word “repentance?” Do you think of abrasive men with beards holding signs that say: “Turn or burn”? It is not uncommon for people, even Christians, to have a “bad taste in their mouths” regarding certain biblical words or concepts—and “repentance” is often at the top of…

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He Guards You Even While You Sleep

Important figures such as the President always have at least one bodyguard with them. Officially, we know them as the “Secret Service” and protecting the President is just one of their duties, but perhaps it is the one we see the most. The role of the bodyguard is to ensure the safety of the one…

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How Easter Speaks to the Problem of Suffering

We hope you had a wonderful Easter! Resurrection Sunday is always a steadfast reminder on the Christian calendar that death does not have the last word for those who trust in Jesus. This is really important when it comes to responding to some of the criticism Christians face about their faith, especially in times like…

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