Easter 2023

Easter 2023 at Newbreak Church This Easter weekend at Newbreak Church in San Diego, we celebrate how the resurrection of Jesus launches God’s plan to bring heaven to earth through His church, his followers, and his in communities both local and global. Tierrasanta Campus Blank Notes Completed Notes Scripps Ranch Campus Blank Notes Completed Notes…

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The Greatest at the Table

The Greatest at the Table What makes someone the greatest? In sports terms, only a few are deemed the “G.O.A.T.” (greatest of all time). Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and so on. Even Christ’s disciples were concerned with this question. How is the greatest? Listen in as Jesus gives an answer that continues to…

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Beyond the Table

Beyond the Table We all have a longing to know Jesus–whether we would describe it that way or not. When we encounter Zacchaeus, in Scripture, we find him searching for Jesus. And yet, he soon discovers that Jesus was searching for him. Listen in as we see what happens beyond our encounter with Jesus! Tierrasanta…

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Fill the House! Crowd the Kingdom!

Fill the House! Crowd the Kingdom! What makes for a great party? Great food and drinks? Great company? Entertainment? Whatever it may be, these images fall short of imagining what God might have in store for his people. Jesus tells a parable about the kingdom of God and compares it to a great feast (aka…

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What Keeps People from Trusting and Valuing the Church?

What happens to me after this life? Why did they turn you down? Most of us have had this happen: you invite a friend or family member to church but they say “no,” and it leaves you wondering why. What keeps people from the church? Lean in as we talk about three of the most…

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What Keeps People from Trusting and Valuing the Church?

What Keeps People from Trusting and Valuing the Church? Newbreak’s Sermon Study Guide is an in-house resource that serves sermon-based Life Groups and/or individuals who want to reflect further on how the message contributes to their spiritual formation. In this week’s study, we talk about the problems that people have with Church and Christianity in…

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What happens to me after this life?

What happens to me after this life? It’s perennially one of the most searched questions on the internet: What happens after I die? Obviously, a plethora of answers tries to speak to the burning question. For Christians, the Bible provides a compelling and serious answer to this loaded question. Lean in as we learn how…

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What happens to me after this life?

What happens to me after this life? Newbreak’s Sermon Study Guide is an in-house resource that serves sermon-based Life Groups and/or individuals who want to reflect further on how the message contributes to their spiritual formation. In this week’s study, we talk about the big question of eternity and how the Bible gives us a…

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