Posts Tagged ‘christian blog’
Redeeming Our Regrets
You know that feeling. The one where that you feel in the deep part of your stomach and it seems to go all the way through your bloodstream. Sometimes it comes right after you say something or do something. Sometimes it is a slow burn that is felt days, months, or years later! Regret. Everyone…
Read MoreCombatting Complacency So I Press On Toward All God Has For Me
The Oxford dictionary defines “complacent” as “showing uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.” When I reflect on my spiritual life, that is, my walk with God, it is easy to become complacent. It is easy to become “uncritical” and settle for a certain level of progress in my life. Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher,…
Read MoreHow to Pray a Blessing Over Your Kids
As a parent, it is easy to be hard on ourselves, wondering if there is more we could do for our kids. This is a common feeling! Yet, one of the profound lessons in life thus far is how it is not always the difficulty of the task that equates to impact. Sometimes the greatest…
Read More3 Ways to Express Affirmation to Others (But Especially Your Kids!)
Has someone given you some affirmation today? Maybe a loved one reminded you that you are not taken for granted. Maybe a co-worker or supervisor credited your work. Affirmation feels good! And it should. Would you be opposed to receiving more affirmation? Probably not, even if you are shy about receiving it. That’s because you…
Read MoreWho Do We Trust: Almighty God or the Almighty Dollar?
On July 11, 1955 President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a bill that would forever change the way American currency would look. From then on, all currency reads the phrase: “In God we trust.” Charles E. Bennett, the representative of Florida at the time, said that adding “In God we trust” would “serve as a constant…
Read MoreUprooting the “Strongholds” in Our Mind
May is Mental Health Awareness month. Here at Newbreak Church, we care deeply about providing resources for you, wherever you are on your journey of getting healthier spiritually and mentally. No doubt the apostle Paul dealt with mental health battles, even if that was not a coined phrase in his days. After all, we all…
Read MoreWhat Gave the Israelites the Right to “Invade” Canaan?
The whole world has been watching in horror as Russia invades Ukraine. Whether it be the mass refugee crisis or the heart-wrenching loss of innocent civilian life, it all is so deplorable. We don’t endorse these kinds of travesties, and we are rooting for there to be a swift resolution to such conflict. Yet, the…
Read MoreHow God’s Joy is Better Than Instant Gratification
It seems like every year the “latest and greatest” inventions all serve to attempt to make life easier and more comfortable. And at the root of nearly every software update and newest gadget or widget is the goal to close the gap of time between desire and pleasure. In other words–instant gratification. Let’s be clear,…
Read MoreWhere Was Jesus Before the Gospels?
Have you ever thought about what Jesus was up to before the incarnation, before Christ came as an infant? For millennia, theologians have marveled at what it means that Jesus has eternally existed as the Lord, Yahweh, the God of Israel. This is part of the larger revelation of the Trinity, and without getting lost…
Read MoreMade For More Than Manna
You are made for more. This is something we have been talking about weekly as we go through a sermon series in the book of Joshua. Some of these passages and themes are accessible and easy to get excited about. Others, however, might cause us to raise an eyebrow, grit our teeth, or scratch our…
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