Notes, Leaving Judgmentalism Behind

Leaving Judgmentalism Behind

Judgmentalism might just be the world’s true pastime. Everyone, regardless of religious or economic background, is an expert at judging others. Instead of accepting it, we look to Jesus to see how he chose to embody compassion as the world’s Savior, and how this might give us a new lens of how we look at the world around us–and the people within it.

About Our Current Sermon Series

Summer is known for a few iconic things: Sunny days with late evenings sunsets; barbecues with friends; cooling down in the ocean or pool, and of course–vacations. It’s well established that most families take a vacation during the summertime. And while in the peak of it they might even think: “I wish this vacation would never end.” There is something to be said about having an endless vacation, but we are not talking about never returning to the rhythms of home and work. We mean that some things are worth not just a one-week break, but an “endless vacation.” In this sermon series, we will unpack what things we should leave behind–for good!