Message: “The King is Coming!” from Markus Witherspoon

Markus Witherspoon - December 22, 2024

The King Who Was Born to Die

The word "love" might be one of the most overused words ranging from "loving" ice cream to "loving" a spouse. So, how is God's love displayed? Why is it celebrated during the Christmas season? Listen in as Pastor Markus Witherspoon takes us into a prophecy about Jesus that shows us the heart of Christmas!

From Series: "That's the Point (Christmas 2024)"

In our annual celebration of Advent, the time of anticipation leading up to Christmas, it is easy to forget that the whole Bible has a heavy emphasis on waiting. Two thirds of the Bible (approximately) tells the story of creation and the Fall, briefly, followed by God's plan to restore humanity to his original plan. This unfolding plan takes a covenant people, Israel, and tells how they are going to plan an important role in bringing about the Savior of the world: the Messiah! That's the point of all the prophecies and promises! They all point toward Christ the Lord. God has come, in the person of Jesus, to rescue humanity. Join us in this Advent series, as we look at a few of the prophetic promises and how they find their "point" in Jesus.

Sermon Notes

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