Message: “Real Justice” from Jared Johnson

Mike Quinn - June 20, 2020

Father's Day Message

Being a dad is not always easy. In fact, many of us wonder how much of a difference we are making in our family's lives. Listen in for practical advice on how to make your time count as you aim to live a life of significance. Pastor Mike Quinn will show us today how to live a life of significance, whatever season you are in.

From Series: "Prodigal"

You and I are never too far gone beyond redemption. Few passages in Scripture communicate this truth as well as the “Parable of the Prodigal Son.” Join us as we invest three weeks looking at Jesus’ famous parable through the perspectives of each main character: the younger son, older son, and the father. As we locate ourselves in the parable, we will rediscover how great and powerful God’s grace is toward us all!

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