Message: “Real Justice” from Jared Johnson

Ocean Beach Content Team - June 13, 2020

From Broken-Hearted to Tender-Hearted

What we think about God is the most important thing about ourselves. And yet, many of us have wrong conceptions about Him, whether from our upbringing or false information. However, everything changes when we see Him as our “Father.” Listen in as we get a glimpse into the Father’s heart and what it means to live as His beloved children.

From Series: "Prodigal"

You and I are never too far gone beyond redemption. Few passages in Scripture communicate this truth as well as the “Parable of the Prodigal Son.” Join us as we invest three weeks looking at Jesus’ famous parable through the perspectives of each main character: the younger son, older son, and the father. As we locate ourselves in the parable, we will rediscover how great and powerful God’s grace is toward us all!

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