Message: “Real Justice” from Jared Johnson

Robert Wachs - May 31, 2020

From Rebellion to Redemption

The message this weekend in Luke 15 is about the redemption through the eyes of the Prodigal Son. The condition of our heart is always transient—we are always moving either closer to God or further from Him. The story of the “Prodigal Son” enlivens this truth. If we let it, the parable can be a mirror into our own lives. Listen in as we look at the key turning point for lives that find alignment with God. After all, life apart from God is no life at all.

From Series: "Prodigal"

You and I are never too far gone beyond redemption. Few passages in Scripture communicate this truth as well as the “Parable of the Prodigal Son.” Join us as we invest three weeks looking at Jesus’ famous parable through the perspectives of each main character: the younger son, older son, and the father. As we locate ourselves in the parable, we will rediscover how great and powerful God’s grace is toward us all!

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