Message: “Preparing Our Hearts” from Jared Johnson

Markus Witherspoon - April 2, 2023

The Greatest at the Table

What makes someone the greatest? In sports terms, only a few are deemed the “G.O.A.T.” (greatest of all time). Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and so on. Even Christ’s disciples were concerned with this question. How is the greatest? Listen in as Jesus gives an answer that continues to challenge our notions of greatness.

From Series: "At the Table"

What did you eat today? Isn’t it crazy that we can all assume that you either have eaten or will eat today? Meals are a necessary part of ordinary life. And yet, Jesus took these mundane moments and made them missional opportunities for people to experience the gospel. Join us in this sermon series as we see what happens when Jesus meets people at the table for an encounter that changes everything!

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