Message: “Preparing Our Hearts” from Jared Johnson

Markus Witherspoon - January 15, 2023

Living My Best Life

When it comes to living our purpose, we will never drift into a purposeful, fulfilling life. This journey requires us to make decisions on eliminating the things that hinder us from the life God has for us and cultivate a lifestyle that is life-giving. Lean in as we consider how reorienting our life around Jesus can make our life better and make us better at life.

From Series: "Living With Purpose"

“Why am I here?” It’s the biggest existential question we all must wrestle with. We all long to understand our purpose. And if we truly want to understand our purpose we must know it all starts with God. It’s not about you; it’s not about me; it’s not about this person or that person. Our purpose is far greater than ourselves and starts with understanding the author of it all. Lean into this series as we rediscover what it is like to live purpose-driven lives in light of being made by God and for God and with a grand and fulfilling purpose!

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