Message: “Preparing Our Hearts” from Jared Johnson

Markus Witherspoon - September 4, 2022

Belong Together

The truth is some of our loneliest moments can happen in a crowd. We all crave a sense of belonging but are left wanting. As we read Scripture and see how the early Church lived in community we capture a renewed vision of what belonging together can look like!

From Series: "In Common"

If you know enough Christians, you know how vastly different we can be! Yet, there are some things that bond us in common. We call Jesus our Lord. We believe in his death and resurrection. There are foundational beliefs we hold but also common practices we live out. We thrive when we embrace a common, shared life grounded in our relationship with God and one another. That’s why Newbreak’s strategy is to Begin the week in worship; Belong together in Life Groups; Be the church by serving our communities. These three weeks we will be unpacking each of those and showing the value of why we hold these things in common.

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