Message: “Preparing Our Hearts” from Jared Johnson

Jared Johnson - February 13, 2022

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It is so easy for us to be incredibly disconnected from the world around us and the experiences of life despite living in the most connected time thanks to technology. Think about the last time you sat down to watch a movie, were you tempted to pick up your phone and scroll through social media? Oftentimes, our disconnection and distractedness can keep us from seeing, and being a part of, God moments.

From Series: "Made for More"

The start of a new year is a natural time of reflection and planning for the future. What we often find as humans is that we like to dream big, but breaking out of our comfort zones can be easier said than done. We even find ourselves struggling to break out of our comfort zone when it comes to things God is calling us to. God reminds us that we are made for more - join us as we discover how to step into that!

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