Message: “Preparing Our Hearts” from Jared Johnson

Jared Johnson - December 19, 2021

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Many of us have heard the phrase, “In one ear and out the other.” That phrase implies that we heard something, but didn’t truly listen to and retain it! Truly listening to something requires us to stop the other things we are doing and focus on what is going on around us. That is what the word hark is telling us to do in the song, “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” - it is urgent that we listen closely!

From Series: "Analog Christmas"

Our Analog Christmas series will help us strip away all the "extras" of Christmas and focus on what really matters this season. Join us as we take a look at the Gospel accounts of the coming of Jesus, how that changes everything for those who embrace the Christmas message of hope, and how we can approach this season with a different, more powerful perspective.

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