Message: “Preparing Our Hearts” from Jared Johnson

Isaac Roberts - July 25, 2021

Community Over Individualism

Our society tends to focus a lot on the individual, just take a moment to scroll through social media and you will see right away how hyper-focused we are on ourselves. We were, however, created for relationship and to focus on the good of our communities rather than solely what is good for me.

From Series: "Compass"

Goal of this series is to help our people develop a biblical worldview and become more biblically literate. Indirectly help them approach the Bible and read it with a greater understanding; reduce intimidation around reading the Bible. Also, help them learn how to “translate” the Bible to others who don’t know Jesus yet. If we become comfortable with cross-cultural translation in our understanding of the Bible, we will better be able to cross cultural barriers that exist in our sharing biblical truths with others.

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