Message: “Give It Away ” from Darrel Larson

Darrel Larson - January 2, 2022

Preparing for the New Year

Along with the hats and confetti, celebrating the new year often brings along reflection of the last year. It can be entirely too easy to solely focus on the negative things we have endured over the 365 days that made up the year 2021, but we all have to remember that God did a lot of beautiful things in our lives, as well. As we move forward into 2022, let’s take time to reflect on those blessings and move forward with purpose and passion!

From Series: "Get Ready"

Another year has come and gone, and we stand here looking at a blank slate of 365 opportunities that will make up 2022. How can we move forward into this year with purpose and passion, while also reflecting on the beauty and blessings God gave us in 2021?

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