Message: “Peace” from Markus Witherspoon

Markus Witherspoon - December 11, 2022


We know there is darkness. We see it. We feel it! This week we move beyond that recognition to see that the light of Christ shines in the darkness and has victory over the darkness.

From Series: "Light (Advent 2022)"

If we look at the headlines it's easy to feel like darkness is closing in from every side. Violence, division, political polarization, fear, anxiety, economic instability–the list could go on! We see it. We feel it. And sometimes we might even feel suffocated by it. But we have been given a light. This Advent season we look to the light. Jesus, the light of the world. And because of him, we know that darkness will not overcome. Join us as we see how the light of Jesus provides us with hope, victory, peace, and joy!

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