Message: “Wise Or Foolish” from Robert Wachs

Robert Wachs - December 6, 2020

Response at Home (Matthew 2:1-12)

The first Christmas was politically dramatic for King Herod, as the newborn king threatened his crown. But the clash of kingdoms is far more personal than this. Listen in as we are inspired to lay our crown, and our control before the true King of life.

From Series: "I'll (Still) Be Home for Christmas"

Most of us find ourselves at home for the holidays, perhaps more than in previous years. Inevitably, we are spending more concentrated time with those near us: immediate family, neighbors, select neighbors. How can we approach Advent this year while at home? Join us for a sermon series where we relive the experience of the Christmas story through the stories of some of the main characters as their story gets personal where they are—at home.

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