Message: “Wise Or Foolish” from Robert Wachs

Robert Wachs - October 24, 2020

A Prayer for Unity

How important is unity? For Jesus, He considered it important enough to be one the last things He prayed for before going to the cross. Listen in as we consider the impact unity can have and how to pursue harmony with one another!

From Series: "Prayers of Jesus"

As Christians, Jesus is not only our Lord, He is also our example. Amongst the many things the disciples learned from Jesus, learning how to pray was one of their go-to inquiries! As the Gospels recount the prayers of Jesus we have a chance to listen in and see how Jesus meets us in our humanity and struggle and offers us vicarious wisdom to apply to our own lives. Join us as we look at four key prayers of Jesus and how they inspire us to pray differently!

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