Message: “Wise Or Foolish” from Robert Wachs

Robert Wachs - June 26, 2020

The Soundtrack of the Comforted (Psalm 23)

The message this weekend in Psalm 23 is about how we can allow God to help manage our stress. While Psalm 23 is famous for being read at funerals, it actually has a ton of practical wisdom for the living! Gleaning from David’s experience as a shepherd, we learn how God is the Good Shepherd and what that means for counteracting the stress we face, daily. Listen in to discover seven-stress-management strategies from Psalm 23.

From Series: "The Soundtrack of Summer"

The Bible has a soundtrack within it. All throughout the Bible songs and poems are interwoven throughout the story. However, Psalms is unique in that each Psalm is a song. Like many modern-day songs, there are various themes. Sometimes the Psalm expresses something light-hearted, and sometimes something heavy-hearted. Some are focused solely on God, and some are an exploration of our own condition. The variety of Psalms provides a throwback soundtrack for summer to meditate on and apply for today’s world.

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