Message: “Wise Or Foolish” from Robert Wachs

Robert Wachs - April 19, 2020

The Counselor is In

Let’s face it. We all have insecurities that we have to face everyday. It is a good thing Jesus promised to give us the Holy Spirit as our resident Counselor! Tune in as we are equipped with how to counteract these insecurities with the help of the Spirit.

From Series: "HELP"

Part of what is ‘new’ about the New Testament is the great reality that we are now given the Holy Spirit as our counselor and advocate for everyday life! As wonderful as this fact is, it is only helpful if we know what this means. How does the Spirit as our Counselor change anything in the day-to-day? The coming of the Holy Spirit means that we have a Counselor who is in, 24/7, 365 days a year. He is our ever-present help. Join us as we invest four weeks in exploring how to take on life differently in light of the powerful presence of God residing in us as our Counselor!

Sermon Notes

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