Mental Health Support Groups

In addition to the resources outside the church, we want to make sure you know that you can find support for whatever you're going through within Newbreak Church as well.

Life Groups are a place where people connect with others and learn how to do life together, both in the good times and in the difficult times. If you are not currently in a life group, we invite you to join one, even if you don't attend weekend services.

Each stage of life presents new challenges and oftentimes, being with others who are going through the same thing can be a great encouragement.  So whether you are a new mom, newly married, or new to faith, there is a group just for you.

If you have confronted some of life's more difficult challenges and need support, we have support groups for you as well.

  • Celebrate Recovery is our Biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits.
  • GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.
  • Divorce Care supports spouses through the divorce process.
  • Not Alone is a Christ-centered recovery group for women who have experienced physical, emotional, or sexual trauma.
  • Mental Health Matters is a community education group that invites God into the healing and recovery process in addressing mental health challenges.

If you're currently facing a challenge and not sure where to turn, you may send an email to a member of our pastoral staff who will connect with you and help direct you to the support you need.