Jesus at the Center

Jesus Christ came to make the invisible God, visible.

Since the beginning of time, people have sought to understand their purpose and identity. In essence, they have pondered the questions, “Who am I, and why do I exist?” Looking for purpose in financial success, accruing possessions, relationships, or pleasure will always leave us wanting more.

In Colossians 1:15-23, Paul tells us that our identity and purpose are found only in Jesus. Jesus brought everything into existence. He sustains us. He is the image of the invisible God (vs.16), and all things have been created for Him (vs.16b). He is supreme over all things. He came to make the invisible God visible to us (vs.15). We were made for a relationship with Jesus. He is the center of all things. You were not created for a fractured life of loneliness and despair. You were created with purpose, for a purpose and a relationship with the one true God, in the person of Christ Himself.

Our identity outside of Christ feels lacking because it is.

Without Christ, we search over and over again and come up short because He is the only One who can satisfy our greatest needs and deepest desires. Augustine said, “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee.”

man with prosthetic leg about to throw black pack

Christ came to show us who God is in a way that our minds and hearts could understand. He came to show us by His own experience that He understands us and what we’re going through, and He wants a relationship with us. The Almighty God, El Shaddai, came to show Himself to the world through the physical person of Jesus Christ, never once diminishing who He is as God.

Who needs to know that they were made for Christ? Who can you share this incredible news with this week?

Written by Carrie Botkin

Carrie Botkin is the Campus Director at the Scripps Ranch Campus and a member of the Lead Team at Newbreak. She loves adventuring around San Diego with her husband, Matt, two kids and their pug named Marshmallow. Carrie has been on staff at Newbreak for 21 years. She believes in the mission, vision and values of Newbreak and loves seeing lives changed through Jesus!

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